SeaCoast Trail Riders, Inc.
Local OHRV Club for the Northern New England Seacoast
EIN #05-0565783
ARTICLE I. - Purpose and Name
Section 1. The purpose of the SeaCoast Trail Riders, Inc. is to stimulate and advance the general welfare, safety and education of OHRV recreation, to serve the interest of all OHRV enthusiast, to be one voice representing all OHRV enthusiasts when dealing with the State, landowners, etc…, to develop a fraternal spirit among local OHRV and other outdoor enthusiasts, to provide a medium for the exchange of OHRV information, to own or lease property for Club uses, and to perform all desirable and lawful functions for the successful operation of the Club and in the general public interest.
ARTICLE II. - Membership
Section 1. Membership in the Club shall consist of the following classes:
Charter Members
Active Members
Inactive Members
Section 2. Active membership is available to OHRV enthusiasts who actively participate in club events and meetings. Minimum one business meeting and one club event per year is suggested for active membership.
Section 3. Each charter and active member shall be entitled to one vote.
Section 4. Inactive membership status shall include all individuals who wish to maintain a SCTR membership without active participation.
Section 5. Applications for membership shall be made in writing addressed to the Secretary of the Club on the appropriate form containing an agreement by the applicant to abide by the Bylaws of the Club. The Secretary shall refer each application for membership to the Club membership at the next business meeting for consideration, final approval and election to the club upon payment of the required dues. A favorable vote of the majority of the Club membership shall be required to elect applicants to membership, membership action if required may be taken by mail ballots. Membership to the club shall not discriminate against any person in any manner on the basis of sex, race, age, religion, or ethnic origin.
Section 6. SCTR may form a membership committee by a majority vote of the membership to further control, restrict or solicit memberships as proposed by the active membership at the time of the formation of the Membership committee
Section 7. A member may resign from the Club at any time upon written notice to the Secretary.
Section 8. Membership in the Club may be suspended for an indefinite period or terminated by a majority vote of the Officers of the Club in the event of non-payment of dues or for other reasons inconsistent with the Club's best interest. Termination of the membership of any member shall not release said member from the obligation to pay all dues and other amounts owed of the period of membership.
ARTICLE III. - Management
Section 1. The Management of the Club shall be vested in the Officers of the Club.
ARTICLE IV. - Officers of the Club
Section 1. The Officers of the Club shall consist of five officers, each of whom shall be an active member of the Club. Officers shall be elected prior to the Annual Meeting of the membership and shall take office at the close of the Annual Meeting (January). Officers may be elected for unlimited successive terms. With President, Treasurer and Secretary elected for a term of three (3) years, Trail Boss and VP elected for a term of one year.
Example of election rotation :
Year 2003 annual meeting shall elect Treasurer, VP and Trail Boss.
Year 2004 annual meeting shall elect President, VP and Trail Boss.
Year 2005 annual meeting shall elect Secretary, VP and Trail Boss.
Year 2006 annual meeting shall elect Treasurer, VP and Trail Boss.
Year 2007 annual meeting shall elect President, VP and Trail Boss.
Year 2008 annual meeting shall elect Secretary, VP, and Trail Boss.
Section 2. If vacancies of the Officers of the Club should occur by reason of resignation or otherwise, the Club membership may, at their option, by majority vote elect a successor for each unexpired term.
Section 3. A majority of the Officers of the Club plus 10% of the non-officer membership shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of Club business.
Section 4. Meetings of the Officers of the Club shall be held at such time and place as may be fixed from time to time by resolution of the Club membership, or by call of the President. The Officers of the Club shall hold its regular Annual Meeting in January and at the place of the annual meeting of the membership.
Section 5. The Officers of the Club may, at its discretion, by an affirmative vote of a majority of the Officers, appoint a special committee to conduct specific club duties. The committee shall consist of at least one elected officer and one or more active club members. The officers of the club may, by resolution, delegate such authority to the club President. The Officers of the Club shall have the power at all times to abolish any Committee.
Section 1. Dues will be collected by the club treasurer annually from each member on their anniversary.
Section 2. The amount of dues as well as the time for their payment shall be determined from time to time by a majority vote of the membership.
ARTICLE VI. – Officers Duties
Section 1. The officers of the Club shall be: President, Vice-President, Trail Boss, Secretary and Treasurer. A club member is not allowed to hold more than one officer position at any given time and each officer position is to be represented by only one person for the purpose of voting club business.
Section 2. The officers shall be elected from the membership of the club by vote at the regular Annual Meeting. A nomination committee may be appointed by the president for the purpose of soliciting and bringing forth to the membership all nominations for club officers at the December meeting. Vacancies occurring between such elections may be filled for the unexpired term by the Club membership at the next business meeting or by mail ballot. Any officer may be removed from office by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the whole Club membership.
Section 3. All officers shall take office immediately upon election and hold office for one term of that office or until their successors shall have been elected.
Section 4. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club, shall oversee and coordinate such Committees as are authorized by the Officers of the Club, shall be a member ex-officio of all such Committees and shall carry on those other responsibilities assigned to him (her) by the Bylaws.
Section 5. The Vice President, during the absence or temporary incapacity of the President, shall perform the duties and have powers of the President. The Vice President shall be the club liaison to other clubs, organizations, government agencies, and public at large.
Section 6. The Secretary shall keep all Club records, except financial records, including minutes of meetings, roster of members, lists of Committees and their members. He or she shall also send out notices of meetings, receive applications for membership, and discharge all of the usual secretarial functions of the office required herein or by the Officers of the Club. The Secretary shall also maintain a permanent mailing address, preferably a local post office box, for the Club and direct incoming correspondence to the appropriate Club official.
Club meetings may be officiated by the Secretary in the event of the absence or temporary incapacity of the President and the Vice President if requested by the President.
Section 7. The Treasurer shall keep all financial records of the Club and have charge of its funds. He or she shall keep all of the club's funds in a bank approved by the Club membership and in the name of the Club. He or she shall disburse such funds of the Club under the direction of the Club membership. Withdrawals shall be made by checks signed in such a manner as may be approved by the Club membership. A Treasurer's report shall be prepared for each club meeting and an annual audit shall be prepared and submitted annually.
Section 8. The Trail Boss officer position is an elected position held by one club member with a single officer vote. Assistant Trail Boss’s may be appointed by the Trail Boss at his (or her) discretion for the purpose of coordinating and managing club activities.
Section 9. All officers shall have such other powers and duties as are required by law.
ARTICLES VII. - Fiscal Year
Section 1. The fiscal year of the Club shall commence on the first day of January and end on the thirty-first day of December.
ARTICLE VIII. - Meetings
Section 1. The Annual Meeting of the members of the Club shall be held at the time and place designated by the Club membership within the month of January. The January business meeting may also be the Annual Meeting of the Club.
Section 2. Regular meetings of the members of the Club shall be held monthly at the time and place fixed by resolution at the previous meeting or as designated by the President or by the Club membership.
Section 3. Written notices of the time and place of the annual and all other meetings of the membership shall be prepared and distributed to the membership by the Secretary or other designated member.
Section 4. Special meetings of the club may be called by the Officers of the Club or by the President or by any group of active members by giving adequate written notice of the time, place, and purpose of such special meetings.
Section 5. A majority of the Officers of the club plus 10% of the non-officer membership shall constitute a quorum. Any formal action taken at any meeting of the membership shall require a majority vote of those active members present.
ARTICLE IX. - Election Procedures
Section 1. A Nominating Committee of at least 3 persons shall be appointed by the President from the active members.
Section 2. The Nominating Committee shall place in nomination candidates for election to the Officers of the Club for each prospective vacancy from among the names of the Club's active members. This list shall be made public at the December business meeting of the club.
Section 3. The Nominating Committee's slate of candidates shall be shown on the official ballot, which also shall provide spaces for write-in candidates, together with the specific terms of years for which each candidate is nominated. The official ballots shall be distributed to the qualified voting members. They shall then immediately mark the ballots and deposit them unsigned in the ballot box. Subsequently, if requested, distribution of Absentee Ballots shall be made to qualified voting members through the mail at least 15 days in advance of the Annual Meeting by the Secretary. Absentee Ballots must be returned to the Secretary no later than 5 days prior to the Annual Meeting. In each instance, a Tally Committee of two or three members shall be appointed to count the ballots and announce the names of those elected to the Club membership for the various terms. All ties will be decided by a run-off ballot. All officers shall begin their terms of office immediately following the election.
ARTICLE X. - Amendments
Section 1. An amendment may be passed to alter, modify, rephrase, add or subtract from the current bylaws.
Section 2. Proposed Amendments must be delivered in writing to the Secretary 90 days prior to a vote on the Amendment. Once voted an Amendment shall be incorporated into the Club Bylaws and presented to the Club Membership for an acceptance vote of the amended bylaws.
Section 3. These Bylaws may be amended by the affirmative vote of a majority of the active members of the Club at the' Annual Membership Meeting, or by mail ballot or in such other form as may be approved by the Officers of the Club.